




pens Miscellaneous
A to Z


The traveller first of all books his ticket in advance.

It may be a week or eight days before his departure.

He makes his preparations before the trip.

He pays some visits to his friends and fixes all his business.

On the eve of his departure he packs his things in a suitcase.

When the day of departure comes he calls a cab and proceeds to the railway station.

For some time he stays in the waiting-room.

If he is hungry, he takes some refreshments.

In some time the loud speaker announces that the train is in and that passengers are invited to take their seats.

The traveller looks for his carriage, enters the corridor and soon with the help of the porter finds his berth.

It may be a lower berth, which is more convenient, or it may be an upper one.

The traveller puts his suitcase into a special box under the seat.

Then he arranges his smaller packages (if he has any) on the racks.

Very soon a whistle is heard and the train starts.

The travellers wave their last good-bye to their friends and relatives who have come to see them off.

First the train runs slowly, then it gathers speed.

It is an express train and so it does not stop at little wayside stations or halts.

However, it stops at big stations and junctions where some passengers change trains.

During the trip the guard or a special inspector checks the tickets of the travellers.

However, so that they should not be troubled in night time2 the guard takes the tickets from them.

Night comes.

The guard arranges the beds for the night. The passengers put out the lights and switch on the blue night lamps. They fall asleep.

On the next day the traveller arrives at his destination. He calls a porter who helps him to carry his luggage along the platform.


At the Inquiry Office

- Please can you tell me from what station trains leave for Simferopol?

- From the Kursk Station.

- Are there several trains?

- There are in all four trains from Moscow to Simferopol daily.

- Which of them is the quickest?

- Express No 7.

- When does it leave Moscow?

- It leaves Moscow at six o'clock in the afternoon.

- And when does it reach Simferopol?

- At half past seven in the morning the overnext day.

- Is there, a dining-car attached to the train?

- Yes, by all means.

- And when does the train get to Kharkov?

- At seven in the morning, the next day after it leaves Moscow.

At the Railway Station

- Hallo! Porter! Can you take my luggage?

- Certainly. How many things?

- Two. This little parcel I can carry myself.

- What is your train?

- The express for Simferopol. Is it in already?

- It is due to arrive in a few minutes. Will you pass into the waiting-room meanwhile, or do you prefer going straight to the platform?

- Let us go to the platform straight away.

- Here is your train coming in. Will you tell me what is the number of your car and berth?

- Carriage six, berth nine. I wonder whether it is an upper or a lower berth.

- I see from the number that it must be an upper berth. Do you mind it?

- Not very much. Of course I should like a lower one better, but after all it's all the same to me.

(They enter the car)

- Please put my two suitcases inside the box under the berth, and this little package on the rack.

(The porter does as instructed)

- Thank you very much. Now how much do I owe you?

- Five roubles per piece of luggage.

- Here you are.

- Thank you very much.

In the Tram

- May I ask you how far you are going?

- To Simferopol. And may I ask what your destination is?

- I'll be leaving1 you at Kharkov. There I'll have to change trains for Poltava.

- It would not be impertinent to ask you whether you are travelling on business, or whether you are going to visit some relatives?

- I am sent to Poltava to help in the designing of a new factory there, and you?

- I am going to a rest home in Yalta.

- I see. It means you are on leave?

- So I am. Would you mind my switching on the radio?

- Not at all. Please go ahead. We'll be listening in, chatting about various things, and so we'll pass the time well nd never notice how we shall reach our destination.



About myself

A trip by railway

My family

A sea voyage

Our flat

At the doctor's

At the library

At the cinema

The hotel

At the theatre

Street traffic

At the post office

An excursion out of town




A visit


Park of culture and rest

The soviet union

The dining-room


At the museum


A trip by air





